Vlada's Birthday Fundraiser for Ukrainian Kids

I'm celebrating my birthday this year by supporting a cause close to my heart: helping girls in Ukraine affected by war through the 'Girl Power' project. This project, run by the non-profit organization Blagomay, provides educational opportunities for girls aged 13 to 18 from vulnerable backgrounds such as orphanages, boarding schools, and low-income families. With your donation, we can make a real difference in the lives of these young women, giving them the tools and skills they need to build a brighter future for themselves and their communities. Thank you for helping me support this important cause! Contributions are calculated in UAH, Ukrainian currency (1 UAH = ~37 USD). If you experience difficulty paying using the payment methods provided, please use Fund's PayPal https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=LNQ72P9TS87TS and add a note "Donation from Vlada Bth". We will be able to get a report on the great impact we will have altogether! Thank you for being part of it!

10121,20 грн з 75000 грн
Збір триває до: 31/05/2023
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Список пожертвувань: 3
Олена Систренська 10000,00 грн 28/05/2023 01:26
Анонім 120,00 грн 04/05/2023 17:22
Анонім 1,20 грн 04/05/2023 17:22