Thanks for the philanthropy of Alexander Katsuba!
June 18, 2022, 11:31 a.m.
🤝 We never cease to express our gratitude to our philanthropist - Alexander Katsuba for his active involvement and a charitable contribution of 110,000 UAH, which went to the Blagomay Charitable Foundation!
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Thanks to this contribution, we have helped many children. The following items have been purchased and donated:
✅ For the Pugachevsky orphanage for girls in Bereznevo, Zhytomyr region: summer crocs for girls, hygiene products, shampoos, bath sponges, washing powders
✅ For the family-run orphanage of Valentina Tkal in Marganets, Dnepropetrovsk region: bed linen, indoor slippers, medical assortment, nebulizers
✅ For the Lviv special school of Maria Intercession for hearing-impaired children, Lviv: bedding sets, pillows, bedspreads, antiseptics
✅ For the Nizhyn orphanage in Nizhyn, Chernihiv region: baby food in jars in large quantities and diapers
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We are very lucky to have wonderful donors and partners. You too can help us and our children. Please make a donation to any of our active programs. Specifically please consider donating to our program "Hot needs for orphanages" 🧸