International Children's Day

program img

430 000/1 500 000 28%

Need to collect:

1 070 000

Childhood is an eternal summer, constant movement and bright emotions. This is the time when one wants to run, jump and reach for the clouds.

Our Fund is currently receiving tons of requests from orphanages regarding sports grounds, bicycles, scooters, balls, nets, jump ropes, etc.

That is why we are starting a program for the Children's Day. As a part of this program, we aim to provide sports equipment and summer sports clothing to 1000 children who live in orphanages in Ukraine, those who are taken care of by the “Blagomay” Charity Fund.

We invite you to join the Program and provide the children with unforgettable emotions from summer outdoor games and help them feel the joy of childhood.

Fundraising will continue until the end of June. Already at the beginning of summer, the children will be able to enjoy what will be purchased with your priceless help!

Let's do good together for the little Ukrainians, as only together we can change their world for the better!



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