Evacuation of children from orphanages in Ukraine

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0/800 000 0%

Need to collect:

800 000

The war in Ukraine has forced many of the children from our partner orphanages into bomb shelters, where they stay day and night without basic supplies, including food, medications and hygiene products. 


The humanitarian aid and evacuation corridors for our children and other civilians have been often cut off by the Russian forces. 


The BlagoMay / Charity May team has been working tirelessly on the ground to organize and manage logistics for the safe evacuation of children and their guardians from the war-torn hot spots into the safety of neighboring countries by: 


  • Collecting the right documentation for the children and guardians fleeing the war zone to other countries 

  • Planning and managing all travel logistics, including providing transportation, finding drivers and brave supporting volunteers 

  • Providing basic needs during the transit, including food, medications, places to stay for the night 


Once the children and their guardians cross the borders, we connect them with our partnering humanitarian organizations, who can accept and fully support their lives and needs for shelter, food and medications. 


The BlagoMay / Charity May team stays committed to providing the safety net support and care for these children and their guardians throughout their stay abroad and in the future. 



cafamerica: https://tinyurl.com/2ogaurxv

paypal:   https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=LNQ72P9TS87TS

online: https://charitymay.com/uk/how-to-help/make-donation