The trip to the orphanage "Prolisok" in S. Volchkov, 2011-10-29
Sept. 1, 2015, 2:28 p.m.
photos of cf "BLAGOY" Oh Dear benefactors, patrons and sponsors of the charity Fund "BLAGOY", will send You a photo report from 29.10.2011 g on the first trip to The orphanage "Prolisok" in S. Volchkov, Polessky district of Kiev region (see HERE). The orphanage is located 120 kilometers from Kiev, near Chernobyl. The orphanage currently is home to 22 children, 19 of them boys (from 3.5 to 16 years) and only 3 senior girls (9th grade). The trip to the orphanage was attended by the Chairman of the Board Denis Hron and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Foundation - Konstantin Golubyatnikov. In the orphanage, unexpectedly for us, was very cozy and very homely. Such comfort was created by the hands of orphanage workers and Director Neli Nikolaevna. The children in the orphanage are very friendly and happily agreed to show us their rooms and the boys played with us in the cars and "war games". In the rooms of children is very tidy, all the beds have a special way boys collect towels "boat", and beds from girls towels folded in the shape of a rose. In the orphanage all the children are very talented and have a hobby, the boys have been a professional football and table tennis. And the girls dancing, singing and embroidery, their work has repeatedly won top places in local and regional competitions. In the orphanage Prolisok was transferred: 16 packages of clothes, shoes and one big bag of toys (cars 27 PCs, 5 pistoletov) and were passed: 1. Juice - 4 pack of 2 liters 2. Oranges - 2.5 kg. 3. Kinder (chocolate egg) - 24 PCs 4. Biscuits (Dream / Roshen) - 13 PCs 5. Shortbread cookies (900 g) - 1 pkg. 6. Chips 7 pack. 7. Pads - 3 pack. (14 PCs) 8. Detergents (FAE Madel) - 3 pieces 9. Shampoo Еlseve - 3 PCs For that special thanks the donor of the Fund - Eugene Robinson and philanthropist Fund Elena Kalenkova. Поточні потреби дитячого будинку «Пролісок»: 1. Взуття на хлопчиків 3,5-4,5 років. 2. Взуття на старших дівчаток 37-38р. (Туфлі, кросівки і.т.д.) 3. Спортивні штани, кеди, кросівки для хлопчиків. 4. Светри, шкарпетки, 5. Шампуні, 6. Миючі засоби, 7. Постільна білизна, 8. Прокладки (трохи для 3-х дівчат) 9. Фрукти, соки, солодощі 10. Якщо є якийсь спорт. інвентар. 11. Мікрофон для караоке і виступів на святах. Також потрібні стенди для виставки дитячих робіт (4 шт., Ціна кожної 612,30 грн. Фото HERE). Якщо у Вас є бажання допомогти, Ви можете звертатися до членів команди Фонду: Svetlana Yashchenko, +38 (097) 446 5725 or Tatiana Scrigni ( or телефонувати за тел: 096-366 - 97-90) Are always happy to answer any of your questions! Thank you in advance for your participation and your interest in our joint activities!