Took a trip to a remote orphanage "Obereg" is located in the town of Boguslav, Kyiv region (170 km from Kiev). Currently this orphanage is home to 13 children: 8 boys and 5 girls. During a trip was organized a master class under the direction of Julia androschuk in the framework of the program "Workshop of Good". The kids created a "collage of Dreams" - they cut out pictures from magazines brought us and of them made posters that depicted what they would like to have in the future. It was very interesting! And you can see the result of the work in the photo our website facebook. Kindergarten was provided with two new vacuums, new shoes, Board games, books. For these gifts we wish to Express our gratitude to Alexander Ponomarenko, and Natalia Bobrova! In the trip participated: Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Fund Konstantin Golubyatnikov; Volunteer Anna - separate huge thanks for providing a car for the trip to the orphanage. Master Julia Androschuk - thanks за проведений творчо-розважальний майстер-клас по створенню «колажу Мрії». Дякуємо Усім, хто брав безпосередню участь у цій поїздці! Нам дуже важлива Ваша допомога! З усіх питань телефонуйте 044 583 50 61 або пишіть на info.charitymay @