The results of a productive SUMMER - 2 015
Sept. 20, 2015, 2:39 p.m.
Dear benefactors, volunteers and friends Charitable Fund, BLAGAMI! Are pleased to present the report of the Fund BLAGAMI of the work done during June, July and AUGUST 2015: For June, July and August 2015, the Fund BLAGAMI thanks to You spent to help children from orphanages of Ukraine and charitable projects: 265 629,90 UAH. (June 96 150,35 UAH. in July 101 740,30 UAH. in August, 67 739,25 UAH.) namely: JUNE: 2 259.30 UAH. For sporting goods for the orphanage sunlight S. trebukhiv, Kiev region 23 579.00 UAH. - 15 bicycles for the orphanage Hope, C. slimy, Kiev region 2100 UAH. Vacuum cleaner T 7/1 Classic Case center of social rehabilitation of children "My home," sec. Wanted, Kiev region 6 000.00 UAH. - Pay for delivery services 10 children + 1 teacher in a children's camp Marine (Mykolaiv region) From Svyatogorsk and back 4 777.15 UAH. - Pay tickets on the train Sloviansk - Kiev and back 1 583.60 UAH. - Shorts and t-shirts for the Center for internally displaced persons (S. kotsyubinskoye, Kyiv region) 638.30 UAH. - Maids Centre internally displaced persons (S. kotsyubinskoye, Kyiv region), UAH 30 010,00. - Cash on her cot single rehabilitation centre for children the emerald city, g Svyatogorsk, Donetsk region UAH 5 of 990.00. - Payment for sofas 2 PCs. for the orphanage Hope S. Kryvoshyintsi and the orphanage of family type Mishchenko Kiev region 4013,00 UAH. - A wall in a children's orphanage in Chernihiv 15 200,00 UAH. - Air conditioning in the Sumy orphanage JULY: 650.00 UAH. Products for orphans If Debelak 75500 UAH. - On the organization and conduct of Festval exhibition Yaponomaniya +2015 2 800 UAH. - Pay for hygiene products for the orphanage in Kryvoshyintsi, Kyiv obl 4 574.30 UAH. School skorts, shirts, socks, blouses for Prolisok orphanage in the village of Volchkov, Kyiv region. 3500 UAH. - Pay for washing powder Ariel for boarding school Tripolye, Kyiv region +3193 UAH. - Pay for hygiene products for the orphanage Pereyaslav, Kyiv region +8023 UAH. - Payment for the wardrobe in the orphanage village Kopylov, Kiev region 3500 UAH. - Payment for diapers in the Baby House in Boyarka, Kiev region AUGUST: 35301,05 грн. шкільна форма на Дитячий будинок»Переяслов» (Циблі) 5567,02 грн. канцелярські товари на Дитячий будинок сім'ї Федоляк, г.Узин 3807,50грн. канц.товарі Дитячий будинок сім'ї Міщенко (Горохуватка) 3600,00грн. канц.товарі Дитячий будинок сім'ї ОВЧАРУК (ПІСКИ) 4592,50грн. канц.товарі Дитячий будинок сім'ї Яровий (Бровари) 6743,18грн. шкільна форма Дитячий будинок "ОБЕРІГ" (БОГУСЛАВ) 8128,00грн. шкільна форма Дитячий будинок "НАДІЯ" (КРИВОШИЇНЦІ) Фінансові звіти за 2 кварталу 2015 можна подивитися тут: Pictures of your donation and visits to orphanages can be found here: Trips and benefit events for September 2015 can be viewed here Hot the needs of orphanages, under the care of the Foundation BLAGAMI can be found here: http: // To donate now or regularly here If You have any suggestions or questions, we will be glad to answer! Our contacts: +38 067 215 99 55, +38 067 217 99 55 tel. \ Fax: +38 044 300 12 58, info.charitymay @, Skype Fund blagomay More detailed PHOTOS - REPORT on FACEBOOK More detailed PHOTO REPORT on VK Hasten to do good deeds! :) Sincerely, team of cf "Blagoy"!