In the amount of UAH 70,500, the Center for Social and Psychological Rehabilitation of Children No. 1 received assistance within the framework of the "Medical Cabinet" program
June 24, 2021, 1:42 p.m.
As part of the "Medical Cabinet" charitable program, assistance in the amount of UAH 70,500 was transferred to the center for social and psychological rehabilitation of children of the service for children and families of the executive body of the Kyiv City Council.
With these funds, we purchased: medical cabinets, OMRON inhalers, pulse oximeters, an electric blanket, electric aroma diffusers and air humidifiers, OBPe mobile bactericidal irradiators, Toshiba air purifiers, a large PALP mat, a salt lamp, a stethoscope, massage mats "Puzzles" with a board game for 10 elements, medical masks, antiseptics for hands.
We express our gratitude to the benefactor - TETIANA VIKTORINA BAILO.
Each of these products is an invaluable contribution to children's health. Firstly, thanks to them, the staff of the institution will be able to conduct a high-quality medical examination and provide timely medical assistance to children who need it. Secondly, some of the products are aimed at strengthening preventive measures that prevent the exacerbation of chronic diseases and improve immunity. Massage mats perfectly develop muscles, musculoskeletal system, motor skills and cognitive abilities.
It is very important to pay maximum attention to him in childhood. Support the development of our project with a charitable contribution. After all, this is a significant contribution to the lives of children from orphanages and boarding schools.
You can help on the page or on the card of the Blagomai Foundation 5169 3305 2197 9945