Fund BLAGAMI project in collaboration with Sparta Kiev opened in boarding schools for one year 2 and a renovated gym Sambo training in the framework of all-Ukrainian social project CHILDHOOD CHAMPION.
Oct. 7, 2016, 10:58 a.m.
Fund BLAGAMI project in collaboration with Sparta Kiev opened in boarding schools for one year 2 and a renovated gym Sambo training in the framework of all-Ukrainian social project CHILDHOOD CHAMPION. Believe me, it's a special feeling of inspiration, kindness and faith in the future of Ukraine - children when you open up in boarding schools for one year and 2 renovated Sambo (wrestling) training in the framework of all-Ukrainian social project CHILDHOOD CHAMPION. Yesterday we cut the ceremonial ribbon in the hall of boarding school for children with visual impairments in Boyarka in the Kyiv region, Where he studied 80 children from 7-16 years. Fund BLAGAMI project in collaboration with Sparta Kiev, have come a long way from the collection of 53.5 thousand UAH. donations by the participants of Sparta in the Central streets of Kiev, search of boarding and repair in the room (change of Windows, installation of a large tatami Mat, purchase of sports equipment including pears, and installation of mats for safety, etc.). Yesterday, the children of the school met with his coach, he saw a people who made a new gym and celebrated the sweet table at this event. I want to Express my special thanks firstly to all the people who sacrificed 2 days in the streets of Kiev in the charity boxes, Fund BLAGAMI for the Spartans, second themselves the Spartans, and collected and implemented repair manual Sparta Kiev for the good initiative to change the future of children and accessibility to the sport for donations Elena Osipenko and school of astropsychology, the Director of the orphanage Zinaida Ivanovna for trusting us, the guests at the opening of the hall is particularly representative of combat Sambo Federation of Ukraine and the mayor of the city Boyarka and Zaruba Alexander, their performances were inspired and had a supposed importance of the event and of course thank children students in the school, who actively asked questions: when will it start? And girls can? And I'm in 1st grade I can? And wrestling is a safe sport? :) Friends, if you would like to make a gym to fight in his home town, in a boarding school or orphanage, we will be glad to cooperation, please contact the Fund BLAGAMI