Available the sport with a charity program "SPORTS FOCUS"
July 4, 2013, 6:02 p.m.
Available sport with the charity program "SPORTS FOCUS"
"SPORTS FOCUS" is a charitable program that is aimed at a more global awareness and the involvement of children in all sports. Orphanages do not have the ability to organize systematic work for improving the cultural level and the formation of healthy lifestyle of the pupils , lack of sports equipment. The Purpose Of The Program : to help orphanages , orphanages of family type and centers for socio-psychological rehabilitation of children in Ukraine in solution of problems of organization of events of cultural activities , sports and recreation for children -orphans , find volunteers and sponsors for their conduct. The program aims to ensure that children were restored to health , I trained , I grew stronger spiritually and physically , and most importantly - not loitering on the streets, not Smoking and not drinking , and get rid of bad habits. The main objectives of the programme for developing children's: - Цінності ставлення до природи , людям , власного здоров'я ; - Естетичного ставлення до навколишнього світу ; - Активної життєвої позиції ; - Фізичної культури , навичок здорового способу життя; - Формування навичок здорового способу життя у дітей за допомогою фізкультурно -оздоровчої роботи ; - Створення умов для залучення дітей до систематичних занять фізкультурою і спортом ; - Популяризація різних видів спорту серед громадян України ; The term of the program : long-term . For the 1st orphanage required amount Six thousand twenty-nine UAH. Read more With options to donate : you can see HERE You can also place a banner of the Fund on the website , banners can be downloaded HERE . Would also be grateful if You will be able to assist in obtaining discounts or free provision of the above items and in delivery them in orphanages. With Your questions and suggestions please contact us by e - mail : info.charitymay @ gmail.com or phone ( 044 ) 583-50-61 With respect and gratitude , Команда БЛАГОМАЙ !