The charitable contribution in the amount of UAH 12,400 from individuals was received by the Blagomay Foundation as part of the Hot Needs charity program.
Sept. 9, 2021, 7:18 p.m.
The charitable contribution in the amount of UAH 12,400 from individuals was received by the Blagomay Foundation as part of the Hot Needs charity program. With these funds we bought and donated diapers (125x90 cm), sports pants for girls (size 32-54) and socks to the Nizhyn orphanage.
We thank all the benefactors who joined the Hot Needs program. Even the minimum amount of these funds can bring the maximum result. There are 84 orphanages under our care and all of them need constant help. Only together can we provide orphans with everything they need!
Join our initiative on the website at https://charitymay.com/uk/programs/program/goryachie-potrebnosti-dlya-detskih-domov/ by clicking on the "Help" button.