25.12.2014 orphanage of Family type Mishchenko received an invitation to play "Christmas time travel" in NDI "Ukraine"
March 26, 2015, 12:46 p.m.
25.12.2014 the orphanage Family type Mishchenko (S. Horokhuvatka, Kyiv region)was transferred 10 invitations to Christmas play "Christmas time travel" in The national Palace of arts "Ukraine" Thanks to the leadership of the National Palace of arts "Ukraine" for giving invitations for children children's homes of family type of family Mishchenko (Kiev region), Family Ovcharuk (Chernihiv region) And family Fedoryak (Kyiv region) the possibility of visiting the Christmas shows! Thank you to our partners art gallery "ArtNova" (http://www.artnova.com.ua/) for given books children's homes !! [gallery link="file" order="DESC" columns="2"] Sincerely,team of cf "Blagoy"!