25.05.2013 there was a trip to DD Cheburashka (SMT.Raketnoe) programme "Children's Yoga" It was attended by: Sergey - charity cars, Victoria is a wonderful instructor, "Children's Yoga" and a great soul man. Impressions of Victoria about the trip: "In" Cheburashka "we went fun and productive. First and foremost, we posypalis yoga - remember all the difficult asanas studied during the year. After the boys had brought the mother and showed the tricks that they have mastered the acrobatics or just for yourself. When they are enough to Enjoy exercise, they were presented with large bottles of soap bubbles. The children were very happy. Staged the whole bubble show. А потім я запропонувала Сергію навчити хлопчиків водити машину, звичайно на території дитячого будинку. Він по черзі садив хлопців собі на коліна і пояснював як правильно "спілкуватися» з автомобілем. Очі хлопчаків виблискували радістю. Since Sergei is included in the Ukrainian choir, Bandurist, he did for some songs. The children listened to him with bated breath, some even goosebumps went. And after talked a bit about his profession. Correct to say, give to others what you have. For some it will be more than you can imagine. Thank you all for a great day. " Благодійний фонд "Благомай» висловлює свою подяку всім учасникам поїздки! :) More detailed PHOTOS — REPORT on FACEBOOK More detailed PHOTO REPORT on VK