25.01.2015 trip to the orphanage "Cheburashka" (PGT. Rokytne, Kiev oblast) in the framework of the program "Workshop of good"
April 21, 2015, 11:08 a.m.
25.01.2015 there was a trip to the orphanage "Cheburashka" (SMT. Rokytne, Kiev oblast) in the framework of the program "Workshop of good"In it participated: Сергій - волонтер з авто і Олена - майстер рукоділля. В рамках програми "Workshop of good" був проведений майстер-клас з виготовлення листівок до Дня святого Валентина. Charity Fund "Blagoy" expresses gratitude to all participants for their time and given to the kids joy!More detailed PHOTOS - REPORT on FACEBOOK More detailed PHOTO REPORT on VK [gallery link="file" order="DESC" columns="2"] Sincerely,team of cf "Blagoy"!