December 23, 2017 the Charity Fund "Blagoy" organized a trip of students of the Kiev national trade and economic University in Vyshgorod district orphanage "Lyubystok", p New-Petrovtsy, Vyshgorod district, Kiev region, Ukraine.
Dec. 23, 2017, 5:34 p.m.
23 December 2017 at the initiative of faculty of restaurant-hotel and tourist business students of the Kyiv national trade and economic University visited the orphanage "Lovage" to congratulate children with Christmas and New Year! Preparing for a meeting with little angels was started long before the trip. Long shouted a performance for the kids, and collected gifts. All students KNTEU could give kids a smile, collected toys, sweets, stationery, books, clothes and household chemicals. It was the first trip to "Lovage" therefore every student going on a trip, felt a certain responsibility. When the students came to the orphanage, the children are such a welcome met them, all at once we became friends. The students helped the kids to do Christmas decorations on a Christmas tree. After all were waiting for submission, the event was attended by Santa Claus and snow maiden, who fulfilled the wishes of the children and gave them a bunch of gifts. To part with these angels, it was incredibly difficult. Understand that the best Christmas gift is a smile, laughter and happy eyes. We all say THANK you to the children for their sincerity resembles the true values of life. Дорогий читач цієї новини Ви також можете привітати діток з дитячих будинків України потрібними і важливими подарунками до Новорічних свят, приймайте участь в Новорічній програмі «Фабрика Чудес» і перейшовши за цим посиланнямВи можете зробити свою пожертву будь-яким зручним для Вас способом. Також, Ви можете підписатися на регулярні пожертви через Приват24 / через сайт фонду, і тоді кожен місяць встановлена вами сума буде автоматично списуватися з вашого рахунку на добрі справи. Поспішайте робити добрі справи, покращуючи дитинство дітей з дитячих будинків України!