21.07.2014 duet "Potap and Nastya" in conjunction with the cf "Blagoy" visited the children of immigrants from areas ATO.
July 18, 2014, 7:47 a.m.
21.07.2014 duet "Potap and Nastya" together with Cf "Blagoy" visited the children of immigrants from areas ATO. The first day of the week and already a lot of positive emotions in children from the arrival of the beloved herd "Potap and Nastya". В перерві від концертної діяльності учасники гурту "Potap and Nastya", а також їх команда, вирішили внести трохи святкового настрію та підтримати дітей, які переселилися з зони АТО у Rehabilitation center S. kotsyubyns'ke (Kyiv region).. The center is home to 130 people, including 60 children. To the last kids didn't believe that it came to celebrity guests. Artists brought children presents: fruits, vegetables, food, hygiene items, crayons and coloring books, to make more bright colors in their daily life. Charity Fund "Blagoy" expresses its sincere gratitude to najdobra and sensitive group "Potap and Nastya" and their team "Mozgi Entertainment"! Peace and Good to all of Us!Hurry to do good things!More detailed PHOTOS — REPORT on FACEBOOKMore detailed PHOTO REPORT on VK