20.07.2013-year trip to the Center socially-psychological rehabilitation of children in Kopylov in the framework of the program "Children's Yoga"
July 29, 2013, 9:13 a.m.
20.07.2013-year trip to the Center socially-psychological rehabilitation of children in Kopylov (Makarov district, Kiev region) in the framework of the program "Children's Yoga" With the participation of the representative of the Fund Fedorenko Dmitry, children's yoga instructor Pavel and volunteer Oksana. Impressions of Dmitry about the trip: "The trip was a successful, positive, with a concomitant ease. The kids met a group Fund with the expectation in his eyes. Paul (the instructor of children's yoga), immediately and confidently joined in fellowship with the children and caused their location to themselves, while the focus of most yoga children came later, after they saw demonstrated by Paul difficult exercises and the remarkable capabilities of the human body. After such interest kids already with some interest listened to a small and fascinating story of the instructor for what yoga is and what it is. But when he moved to the further conduct of training and exercise, many kids have demonstrated their abilities that simply touching. At the same time, some of the guys from the orphanage that have not yet decided to participate in the lesson and watched from the sidelines, they were fascinated by the conversations Oksana. She brought drawing materials some children, who promised during previous visits to the orphanage." Charity Fund "Blagoy" expresses sincere gratitude to all who pinav part in the trip! More detailed PHOTOS — REPORT on FACEBOOK More detailed PHOTO REPORT on VK On options for donations to the program“Children's Yoga” you can see HERE if You represent a legal entity, the Fund can sign an agreement with You about the charity activities, an example of which can be downloaded HERE. You can also place a banner of the Fund on the website, banners can be downloaded HERE. Sincerely, team Blagami!