02.12.2013 an excursion in Experimentarium the children rehabilitation Center "Zlagoda" (Bila Tserkva, Kyiv region)
Dec. 2, 2013, 10:53 p.m.
02.12.2013totalsales 18 studentsRehabilitation center "Zlagoda"(G. Belayatserkov, Kyiv region) in Kyiv, in Museum popularscience and science "Experimentanium" with the support of Cf "Blagoy" and компании «SAP». ОтдельнаяблагодарностьДарьеВолковой за инициативу and поддержкуданнойпоездки!Thank the company "SAP", which helped realestatedealmaster!Blistatelnye PHOTO REPORT on FACEBOOKMore detailed PHOTO REPORT on VKAbout варіантипожертвуваньможнаознайомитися HERE ,jacksonvilleflorida face, the Foundation mozapps agreement with You about blagodijnist, razocharovala can download HERE. You can also place a banner of the Fund on the website, Banners, Fund monosemantic HERESincerely,komandant BLAGAMI!