02.06.2014 trip to the orphanage "Cheburashka" in the framework of the program "children's Day" together with employees of the company Jysk
June 4, 2014, 11:23 a.m.
02.06.2014 there was a trip to Orphanage "Cheburashka" within the program "children's Day" together with employees of the company Jysk (www.jysk.ua) Today I want to give you ten sincere "thank you" and ten sincere smiles! Everyone who joined our charity event from office workers should know - you gave a small fortune of ten children. Yesterday (02.06.2014)we visited the orphanage "Cheburashka", for which we collected help. Director Olga noted that our rocking chair was their dream, they have repeatedly appealed to various organizations asking about something like that. On the territory of the orphanage there's nothing but volleyball nets, broken benches and rotting stumps. But now all the kids are happy and in turn ride on the swings. Their joy was so great that without waiting for the head of household (who must collect it), the older boy gathered himself swing according to the instructions! Just as intolerant and joy children met our assistance in the form of clothes and toys - everything at once distributed among themselves and began to use it. For information: The orphanage is in the village.Rakitnoe, kagarlyksky district. Today, there are 10 children aged 9 to 17 years. Most of them have Soli the status of "deprived of parental care". The orphanage tried several times to close, after all, now actively started to work as state programme "all in the family", where the goal is to allocate all the children of the orphanages by families who until 18 years of age is a guardian of the child. Director house noted that the idea is good, but, unfortunately, today is bad and some families are trying this just to make money. Therefore, children are reluctant to leave the house and sometimes even give up family, because I know that it is here today, today they have a real friendly family and theysincerely care. Thank you to each caring heart for their sincere support and help! And let this day each of you will consciously understand that you didgood thing for those who need welcome and help! Sincerely, team of cf "Blagoy"!