Specialized Regional Children's Home, Boyarka town
Specialized regional Children’s Home of Boiarka is intended for 110 babies.
Institution submits to The Ministry of Healthcare of Kiev Regional State Administration. Kiev regional children’s home was created to care; educate; medical and social rehabilitation of orphans and children who were left without parental care; children whose parents are unable to educate them for health reasons, due to poor material and social conditions, as well as children with physical and mental development deficiencies.
The main areas of work of the institution are:
- Ensuring physical and mental health;
- Giving a qualified assistance in correcting deficiencies of child development;
- Development of creative abilities and interests of the child;
- Medical and social rehabilitation, formation of the skills needed for learning;
- Disease prevention, health cure work and catering, the implementation of state policy in the field of education.
Children’s home is located in the premises that is not typical (built in 1959). Total square of the building is 1418.7 square meters. The water supply is separated from the city.
In the year 2002 water tower was reconstructed and the water purification filter was installed. Heating is provided by our boiler. In 2004, the construction was completed and was put into operation a new easting establishment with the milk kitchen, fully equipped with new equipment from sponsors.
In 2004 was renovated laundry, at the expense of sponsorship funds was replaced the equipment: acquired industrial washing machines, centrifuges, ironing and drying rolling press.
Boiler room, laundry, easting establishment, garages, storage areas on the territory of the children’s hope are detached.
Last year old buildings were demolished and instead them the playgrounds were constructed.
Children’s home address: 111 Khreschatik Ave, Boiarka, Kiev region, 08150.
Contact Number: (04598) — 46-909
Number of children: 90 people