Family-Type Children's Home of the Ishchuk Family, Kyiv
Ischuk’s Family type orphanage home (Kiev)
When in December 2008 we decided to adopt a girl we already had 2 sons. It happened so that Vlada (8) needed our support more than anyone else, but she had a sister – Alina (13). Without hesitation we welcomed them both.
After a year a girls’ friend Vlad (13) came to visit. We found out that he ran away from the orphanage house and pleaded us to take him. We decided to adopt him too, but the surprise was waiting for us. Vlad had a sister – Valia (5). He begged us to adopt them both and we were unable to say no.
We met 2009 with 6 children.
In June 2010 we were proposed to move to Kiev and become parents of Obolonskyi district family type orphanage home.
At the moment our family consists of 9 adopted children: Vlad (15), Ira (14), Katia (9), Alena (17), Masha (18), Igor (14), Alexey (15), Ruslan (15), Nikita (15) and biological sons Maxim and Oleg.
On 18.10.2015 our family faced a great tragedy. My husband Nikolay died from heart attack. Now I am the only one responsible for children.
Because of increase in prices and privileges reduction our family is not able to meet all the children needs. That’s why we are kindly asking you for help. We would highly appreciate any help from caring people.