Family-Type Children's Home of the Mishchenko Family, Horokhuvatka village, Kaharlytskyi District
The orphanage address: 9a Sovetska Ave, Horokhuvatka, Kaharlytskii district, Kiev region, 09242
A Family Type Orphanage was organized by a priest of Orthodox Church Father Mishchenko Sergei Aleskeevich and Mother Mishchenko Elena Vasilevna in the village Horokhuvatka. In the Mishchenko family there are 9 children aged from 5 to 21.
The orphanage requires: School stationery by Spetember 1, household appliances (especially for the kitchen), furniture for the children’s room, sport equipment for a gym, personal care items, household chemicals, and also building materials for arranging a summer kitchen, the gym for kids and a yard